My Poem a Day Project: Catching Up

My poem a day project has been going well. Each day I find just a few moments to settle myself. Breathe a few deep breaths. And let whatever comes to mind come to mind.

On January 10th it was this:

I remembered what my life was once like; when I played teeny tiny and tentatively teeny tiny at that.

It is really remarkable the transformation I am in the midst of.

On the 9th I wrote this:

That one was one of those straight from the heart to the fingertips. No filter.


As was this one, from the 8th:

It is always amazing when I ground myself and listen…what comes through is often surprising. Sometimes wonderful, sometimes less so, but rarely expected.

The 8th was inspired by an evening spent with good friends working on our visions for 2017 and creating vision boards. So yummy.

On the 7th I wrote this:

Perhaps I was anticipating the visioning coming up, who knows? 😉

I hope you enjoy some of these. Maybe try it yourself. You don’t have to share, you know.



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